Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where Am I Going?

Where are WE Going with Technology?
Our In-Class Discussion for the current module wanted us to think about the future of technology. So that's where I want to begin this blog. When I think about technology it is exciting, scary, and awe-inspiring. I'd like to briefly explain each of these thoughts.

The future of technology is exciting. It really is. Cell phones have evolved into these amazing devices that can do so much. They have changed the way people communicate. No longer do we need to wonder how to get in touch with someone. They can be reached by using tiny cell phones that not only call people but also make reservations, look up information, give people directions, and even manage our houses. We are able to control the lights in our houses by our cell phones. We can watch movies. The list goes on and on. And that's just one example. The evolution of computers could fill this blog all by itself.

The future of technology is scary. I think that's an understatement. Technology can be very wonderful and very awful at the same time. Future wars will be fought without foot soldiers. Unmanned devices will take their places. And, while that should be a source of comfort, I think it's a frightening idea. Technology will create more powerful weapons of war that will cause greater destruction and loss of life. Another idea to ponder is the role that computers will pay in bringing down countries. Just this past week we heard about "hacktivists" causing problems for MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal. This is just the beginning. I think cyber terrorists will be the new threat everyone will need to be aware of. That is a very scary thought, indeed.

The future of technology is awe-inspiring. This is my favorite thought about the future of technology. I suppose it is because everyday I see medical advances that enable the impossible to be possible. The future of surgery is amazing. Doctors are now able to perform surgeries that are less invasive and more precise than was ever dreamed of. Prostate surgeries to remove cancers are routinely done with the assistance of robots. These robots have the precision and artificial intelligence to do what was never possible. Technology is allowing babies to be born and, not just survive, but flourish. My family has living proof of the miracles wrought by technology. My nephew and his wife gave birth to triplets this past April. They were born at just 27 weeks of gestation. None of them weighed even 3 pounds at birth. Two of them had significant complications and weren't expected to live. Modern medical technology allowed these babies to survive incredible problems. Today, at 7 months of age, these 3 babies are 15 pounds each. They are happy, well-developed infants. Their future is promising. Yes, modern technology is truly awe-inspiring.

My Thoughts about this Blog
When this semester began my biggest concern for this class was, in fact, this blog. I had never written a blog. I had never wanted to write a blog. I'm a scientist by trade. We tend to just present the facts when communicating to others. Also, I was more than a little concerned about being able to add things like pictures or articles to the blog. I'll admit I was pretty intimidated at the thought of embedding a video. And what could I possibly want to write about???
My first blog was simple, short....and boring. For my next blog  I got adventurous and added links to articles and even a video. Painfully added them, I may add. From there my blogs became more creative. I learned how to embed videos. I grew excited at the thought of my next blog. I couldn't wait to include new tricks that I had been taught. I even included a tutorial that I made. Yes, it was simple but the fact remains that I made it and I included it in my blog. I showed my blog to others, whether they wanted to see it or not, because I was proud of what I had done. Could I have even imagined this at the beginning of the semester? Not at all.
The ultimate compliment came in the form of a request from my professor. She asked my permission to share my blog with future classes. She liked it too! I am honored that she thought that highly of my first blog and I am happy to share it with others.

So, What now?
I don't think I will continue to add to this blog but that doesn't mean there aren't other blogs in my future. This one will remain as it is. It will serve as an example of what I have learned in this class for future employers. It is definitely a part of my portfolio.From the initial entry to this last one there has been a huge increase in my ability and knowledge. Not only has this class been extremely valuable from the point of view of increased security knowledge, it has been equally valuable for the increased abilities I now have to work with media to create an attractive and informative product. My immediate plans are to use this knowledge by volunteering at the Niagara County Animal Shelter. They could use some help getting their dog and cat pictures posted on-line. I feel confident that I will be able to help them with that task. And it will allow me to continue increasing my knowledge base while helping a very worthy cause.
I will miss writing this blog. It really has been an enjoyable experience. Thank you for this opportunity.

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